What is SAP TAO?
Where does QTP fit in?
- SAP TAO is an automation testing tool released by SAP in integration with focus-frame.
- TAO (Test Optimization and Acceleration) is designed for SAP GUI based applications integrated with SOLMAN(Solution Manager) and HPQC
- SOLMAN Provides the necessary tools around the Implementation, Operational and Optimization aspects of your SAP Application life cycle.
- The two add-ins that are mandatory for TAO to be functional are "SAP" and "Web".
Where does QTP fit in?
- SAP TAO wraps up QTP and QC and QTP acts as execution engine, test scenarios are created and driven from QC through business components.
- SAP TAO helps in automatic generation of test components for end to end scenarios.
- QTP and SAP TAO are really good when it comes to automation the only challenge is installation.
- installation process consisting of four areas
- Quality Center – This will host Quality Center software, patches, add-ins and SAP Adapter
- SAP Back-end systems – This will host the SAP TAO agent.
- Solution Manager – Quality Center Adapter has to be installed on solution manager. The per-requisites solution manager support pack levels also have to be met
- Desktop –The desktop should have SAP GUI, QTP, and TAO installed on it
- Connect :-Connect module is used to establish a connection between SAP and Quality Center
- Inspect :-It contains two tabs, Inspection and UI Scanner.
- With the help of inspect option we can generate components locally.
- Upload the Components to Quality Center
- Consolidate :-This option helps us to consolidate all business process or components into single component for fast execution of test script
- Import/Export :-Use the Import/Export settings to designate a path for transferring components from SAP Quality Center to an SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization client.
- Open SAP TAO, establish a connection between SAP and HPQC from Connect tab
- Use the Inspect module to specify transactions that you need to create a test script
- Select the screen no. which you want to automate and click inspect button. You will get the message “Inspection done” on task-bar and that component is transferred to HPQC BPT Module
- Log on to HPQC. Select the project . It should be the same which you have selected in TAO Connect module
- Drag and drop the transactions in the order that they occur in the business process requirement
- Parametrize the data in the SAP TAO Excel spreadsheet or the Quality Center database (Test Plan)
- Execute the test script and review it for any discrepancies