- I want to arrange "12789567899012" values in ascending ?
For intx=1 to len(str)
Redim preserve strarr(intx)
strarr(intx)= Mid(str,intx,1)
For intx=Ubound(strarr)-1 to Lbound(strarr) step-1
for jntx=Lbound(strarr) to intx
If strarr(jntx) > strarr(jntx+1) then
End IF
2. How to create a function which can generates a Unique Cause ID number
Function randomnumber(upperbound,lowerbound)
randomvalue = CInt(Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd() + lowerbound))
End Function
msgbox randomnumber(upperbound,lowerbound)
3.How to find CPU and Memory Usage using QTP? By Uday Kumar
How to find out CPU utilization and Memory usage as displayed in the Windows Task Manager.
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
'Get the CPU utilization %
myQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor WHERE Name = '_Total'"
For Each objItem in objWMIService.ExecQuery(myQuery)
msgbox "Processor time " & objItem.PercentProcessorTime & " %"
'Get the total Physical Memory
myQuery="Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem"
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(myQuery)
For each objitem in colItems
msgbox "Total Physical Memory "&objitem.TotalPhysicalMemory/1024
'Get the total available physical memory
myQuery="Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Memory"
Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery(myQuery)
For Each objItem in colItems
msgbox "Available GB: " & objItem.AvailableKBytes
4.How to execute QTP scripts in a remote machine when the window is minimized? By Uday Kumar
QTP Version : 11 or later
RDP Version : 6 or later
If you want to run QTP scripts run on a remote machine and if that Remote machine/Window is minimized, then the scripts will fail.
In order to overcome the issue, you need to add a registry key in Windows registry on your client machine/from the machine where you initiating the remote desktop.
1. Close all your remote desktops.
2. Create a registry "RemoteDesktop_SuppressWhenMinimized" if does not exist in the below path:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal ServerClient\RemoteDesktop_SuppressWhenMinimized
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\RemoteDesktop_SuppressWhenMinimized
3. Set the value for this data to 2.
If you would like to add the registry key by just running a .reg file follow below steps:
1. Open Notepad.
2. Cope the below content:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal ServerClient\RemoteDesktop_SuppressWhenMinimized]
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\RemoteDesktop_SuppressWhenMinimized]
3. Save the file as "FileName.reg" format
4. Now, double click on this reg file, so that registry keys will be added.
5.How to get QTP Results in a HTML file?
Once we ran our Regression suite, it is handy if the results are displayed in HTML File, it is easy for us to understand at the same time also easy for the management(Lead/Manager/Customer) to look at it.
They will not show any interest if you zip your QTP Result folders and send it to them.
And for many reasons it is handy if the results are displayed in HTML File, right? How can we get the results in HTML File.
But how can we view results in HTML File?
By changing one registry setting, we have get QTP results in a HTML File.
Open windows registry by entering regedit and clicking enter in Windows run.
Double click on "Active"
Change the value from 0 to 1.
Restart QTP.
Now run your QTP Test and see results in the QTP Test folder, where you see a "Log" folder.
In this folder you will see a file called LogFile.html which is the HTML Report.
6.How to check the website you are testing is up and running? By Uday kumar
We can check the website up and running by just pinging the website.
You can do that in couple of ways.
Here is the simplest way to ping a website.
strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Win32_PingStatus WHERE Address = '" & strWebSiteName & "'"
bFlag = False
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Set objItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( strQuery )
For Each objItem In objItems
If objItem.StatusCode = 0 Then
bFlag = True
Exit For
bFlag = False
End If
If bFlag = true Then
print "Website is avilable"
print "Website not avilable"
End If
Set objItems = Nothing
Set objWMIService = Nothing
Set oNetwork = DotNetFactory( "Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Network" ,"Microsoft.VisualBasic")
If bFlag Then
print "Website is avilable"
print "Website not avilable"
End If
Set oNetwork=nothing
7.How to check a browser window is minimized? By Uday Kumar
Extern.Declare micLong, "GetMainWindow", "user32" ,"GetAncestor",micLong, micLong 'This is the declaration for the referencing "GetMainWindow" with the GetAncestor method in user32.dll.
Just opened Gmail and checked whether the browser is minimized or maximized.
We cannot directly use Browser().GetROProperty("minimized") here.
Set oBrowser=description.Create
hwnd = Extern.GetMainWindow(hwnd , GA_ROOT)
msgbox Window("hwnd:=" & hwnd ).GetROProperty("minimized")
The above code returns False if the Tab/browser is maximized else
returns True if the Tab/browser is minimized
The above code worked well with QTP and IE 7.
8.How to activate, minimize, maximize a browser using QTP? By Uday Kumar
You can use below code to active, minimize, maximize a browser. I put all these three methods in a single function, but you need to tweek this code as per your needs.
Function WinActivate(Object)
Dim hWnd
hWnd = Object.GetROProperty("hwnd") 'First get the window handle
On Error Resume Next
Window("hwnd:=" & hWnd).Activate 'Put fouse on the window
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
hWnd=Browser("hwnd:=" & hWnd).Object.hWnd 'now get the browser handle
Window("hwnd:=" & hWnd).Activate
'Window("hwnd:=" & hWnd).minimize 'To minimize the browser
'Window("hwnd:=" & hWnd).maximize
End If
On Error Goto 0
End Function
RegisterUserFunc "Browser","Activate","WinActivate"
RegisterUserFunc "Browser","Minimize","WinMinimize"
RegisterUserFunc "Browser","Maximize","WinMaximize"
9.IE scripts are failing or Objects are not recognized in IE.? By Uday Kumar
Scripts are failing when IE is upgraded.
User has scripts developed in IE 6 and they worked fine.
But user updated his IE to IE7, then the scripts which worked earlier are failing now in IE 7.
Reasons could be:
BHOManager add-in could be disabled in IE7.
This add-in is needed for QTP to interact with IE.
Enable this Add-in by:
Open IE -> Tools Menu -> Manage Add-ons -> Enable or Disable add-ons -> Select BHOManager Class
Check whether the add-on is enabled or not. It should be enabled.
Objects are properly recognized in IE 7, but not recognized in IE 8.
Reason could be: Protected mode in IE 8.
Check the above solution, then follow to disable the protected mode in IE.
Open IE -> Tools Menu -> Internet Options -> Security Tab -> Uncheck "Enable Protected Mode" check box.
10.Working with Dictionary Object? By Uday Kumar
Set dictObj=Createobject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dictObj.Add "1","One"
dictObj.Add "2","Two"
dictObj.Add 3,"Three" 'Observe here i am passing key as a integer meaning we can pass different types as Key
msgbox dictObj.Count 'This method returns the number of keys
If dictObj.Exists(3) Then 'This method looks for the Key
msgbox "Key exists"
msgbox "Key does not exist"
End If
a=dictObj.Keys 'This method assigns all the keys to an array
For i=1 to dictObj.Count
msgbox dictObj.Item(a(i-1)) 'This method retrieves the value of the key
11.Maximum no. of actions can be created:
From QTP 9.0(or later) max of 120 actions can be created. We can extend this by installing private patch.
From QTP 8.2(or below) max of 255 actions can be created.
12.How to find which version of vbscript you are using?
Search for vbscript.dll in c:\windows\system32. In properties -> Version tab
Programatically we can retrieve this by:
msgbox ScriptEngineMajorVersion &"."& ScriptEngineMinorVersion
13.Associating function library Vs executefile
Use to associate functional libraries to a test rather than using execute file.
By associating functional library, all actions in the test can access those functions.
By calling executefile, all functions are loaded in the calling action only.
14.Recovery Scenario Vs On Error Resume Next
Recovery scenarios can be used when we dont know where an error arises.
We can use On Error Resume Next when we know the occurance of an error and we dont want to halt the execution because of that error.
15.Loading function library at run-time
From QTP 11 onwards we can use "LoadFunctionLibrary" statement to load Function library at run-time.
We can load multiple functional libraries in a single call like
LoadFunctionLibrary "c:\flb1","c:\flb2" etc...
16.Generating Random number
Generating a random number between min and max.
Syntax is: Int((max-min+1)*Rnd +min)
The below example generates a random number between 10 to 50 in each iteration
For i=1 to 5
msgbox Int((50-10+1)*Rnd +10)
17.Arrays with redim
Small example with arrays and redim preserve
For i=0 to ubound(a)
msgbox a(i)
ReDim preserve a(7)
For i=0 to ubound(a)-1
msgbox a(i)
18.Work with command prompt using QTP(vbscript)
We can use Windows Shell object to start a command prompt and execute the command.
In the following i want to list all files\folders in C drive:
Set wscriptObj=createobject("WScript.Shell")
wscriptObj.Run "cmd /K cd c:\ & dir"
When I execute the above statement, it opens the command prompt and execute dir command. You are free to use any command you want as per your needs.
19.Different ways to invoke a IE browser
'commonly used method
systemutil.Run "iexplore.exe"
Browser("name:=.*").Navigate "www.yahoo.com"
'For QTP backward compatability
invokeapplication "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe http://www.yahoo.com"
Set WShelObj=Createobject("WScript.Shell")
WShelObj.Run Chr(34) & "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" & Chr(34)&" "&"www.yahoo.com"
Set WShelObj=Createobject("WScript.Shell")
WShelObj.Run Chr(34) & "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" & Chr(34)
Browser("name:=.*").Navigate "www.yahoo.com"
Char(34) is used to append double quotes to the IE application path.
20.VB Script to find the number of occurences of a char in a string
Method 1:
str="Hello world"
Set regex=new RegExp
Set matches=regex.execute(str)
msgbox matches.count
Method 2:
msgbox ubound(arr)
Method 3:
For i=1 to len(str)
If char="l" Then
End If
msgbox counter
21.How to print the first digit of the numbers?
When i input a number, my result omit the first digit and display the remaining numbers ex: if my input is 4321, it should print 4321, 321, 21, 1.
While no>=1
msgbox no
no=no mod div
Function divVal(x)
For i=1 to x
End Function
If you dont bother of type casting, you can also use:
for i=1 to len(no)
msgbox mid(no,i,len(no)-counter)
22.Script to reverse a number in vbscript
num=inputbox("Enter a number")
While num>0
digit=num mod 10
msgbox result
23.How to find the number of rows and columns used in an Excel sheet
Dim fileSysObj
Set xlObj=createobject("Excel.application")
Set xlWorkBookObj=xlObj.workbooks.open(strFilePath)
Set xlWorkSheetObj=xlWorkBookObj.worksheets(1)
intRowCount=xlWorkSheetObj.UsedRange.rows.count 'intRowCount=xlWorkSheetObj.rows.count - it returns the number of rown in an Excel sheet
' intColCount=xlWorkSheetObj.columns.count - it returns the number of columns in an Excel sheet
msgbox "No. of rows used "&intRowCount&" and No. of columns used. "&intColCount
Set xlObj=nothing
Set xlWorkBookObj=nothing
Set xlWorkSheetObj=nothing
24.How to count the no.of characters repeated in a given string using regular expression?
Dim reRegExp
Set reRegExp = New RegExp
With reRegExp
.Global = True
.Pattern = "B"
Set Regcount = .Execute(str)
End With
msgbox Regcount.count
For i=1 to Len(str)
set r=new regexp
If r.test(M) then
End If
Msgbox tmp
25)How to print the each word of string in Reverse order using vb scripting.str="character/share/bangalore/chennai/trap"
NewStr = split(str,"/")
for i = lbound(NewStr) to ubound(NewStr)
temp = strreverse(NewStr(i))
RevedStr = RevedStr + "/" + temp
Msgbox RevedStr &" "& str
26)How to find Length of String without using String
Str = "My Name is Ravi"
While (Mid(Str,count,1)<>"")
msgbox count-1
27) I have 10 links names. I want to check the link font color for each link and if link color = red, then click on that
U can follow both approaches. Either using OR/DP
Let me show you both methods:
Method 1: Using OR
I here assume that all the links are present on the same page.
msgbox = Browser("").Page("").link("").getroproperty("color")
repeat the same for all 10 links .This will return you a value in hexadecimal value.
Compare the value and get the color of link.
for example 0000ff is the value for blue link.
Method 2:Using Descriptive Programming
Function ClickLink(LinkName)
Set oLink = Description.Create()
oLink("micclass").Value = "Link"
oLink("name").Value = LinkName
Set collection = browser("").page("").Childobjects(oLink)
For i = 0 to collection.count -1
ColorValue = collection(i).GetROProperty("color")
if StrComp(ColorValue,"ff0000") = 0 then
exit For
End If
End Function
28) How should we scroll down, up, right and left operations on a webpage using QTP.
Let me put a scenario before you which can help you understand.
Scenario : I assume you want to scroll down a webpage.
You can use WSH Object and sendkeys method provided by QTP.
Use following code.
Browser("Citibank India Home").Page("Citibank India Home").Highlight
Set objShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.SendKeys "{PGUP}"
objShell.SendKeys "{PGDN}"
objShell.SendKeys "{END}"
This will scroll up/down your page.
If you want to scroll a webtable then use Object.Fireevent "onmousedown" property in qtp.
29) Script to find the len of the given string without using the Len(Str) function
Option Explicit
Dim Str
Str = Inputbox ( "Enter the String with spaces")
Msgbox "The entered string is:" & Str
Call LenOfString(Str)
Function LenOfString( Byref Str)
Dim cnt , sum , ubund, inx, sStr, Temp , Totlenofstr , sArry , sMid
cnt = 1
sum = 0
sArry = Split( Str , " ")
ubund = Ubound(sArry)
If ubund >= 0Then
For inx = 0 To ubund
sStr = sArry(inx)
sMid = sMid & Mid(sStr , cnt , 1)
cnt = cnt+1
Loop While (sStr <> sMid)
Temp = cnt - 1
sum = sum+ Temp
cnt = 1
sMid = Empty
If inx > ubund Then
Exit For
End If
Totlenofstr = sum+ ubund
MsgBox "The Length Of string without using the inbuilt function Len(Str):" & Totlenofstr
End If
End Function
' To check whether the length of string is correct or wrong use the Inbuilt function Len
Msgbox " The Length of the given string using Inbuilt function Len(Str) : " & Len(Str)
30) How to check number of capital letters in string?
stra =Inputbox("string")
Set a=new Regexp
set b=a.execute(stra)
msgbox l
msgbox stra